How to book MSE Conference Rooms

MSE used Outlook to book all of our conference rooms. Here are the instructions for how to reserve a room via Outlook:

Materials Engineering Conference Rooms

  • ARMS 2326 | Fits 24 people (Projector Screen)
  • ARMS 2237 | Fits 8 people (TV Screen with adapters)
  • ARMS 2222 | Fits 7 people (TV Screen with adapters)
  • ARMS B197 | Fits 12 people (TV Screen with adapters)
  • All of our conference rooms close at 5 pm unless you are accompanied by a faculty member except for ARMS B197. If you are in one of the three conference rooms (2222, 2237, 2326) at 5 pm without a faculty member, we will ask you to leave.
  • When submitting a request, please put what it is for in the title line. Ex: Prof. ​__ Meeting or (Company) Senior Design Group. This helps us understand who is using the room and for what.
  • Also note that if you send in a request minutes before your meeting is set to start, it may not be approved in time, and we will not kick out individuals who are currently in the room for a last-minute request. Please send in any conference room request at least 24 hours in advance that way we can update the schedule and adjust if needed.
  • Finally, I would also like to remind everyone to please take care of the conference rooms while you are using them as they are used by the entire department. Remember to push your chairs in, wipe off the whiteboards/tables, and turn off the Lights/TV/Projector/AV equipment once you are done. These conference rooms are shared by everyone in the MSE department, including outside visitors and industrial partners.