Maymester in Tanzania

Hi, we’re gearing up for another exciting Maymester in Tanzania with four weeks of cultural immersion, teaching in rural schools, living on the Indian Ocean, leading service learning grants, and a four-day wildlife safari including two nights in the Serengeti! In general, the program offers nine credits and an opportunity to earn most of the College of Education Global Studies Minor ( Other course opportunities include:

  • College of Science students: Maymester in Tanzania fulfills nine credits of language and culture.
  • Math Education students: EDCI 42500 (Methods 1) is offered.
  • EDCI 22200 Knowing the World Through Mathematics is offered – this fulfills the Quantitative Reasoning Foundational Learning Outcome for Purdue’s Core Curriculum.

The first callout is Tuesday, September 3 – three more callouts are listed below and in the attached flyer. Thank you for helping advertise this opportunity 😊 Please contact me at if you have any questions! Jill Newton

  • Maymester in Tanzania Callouts
    • September 3, October 1, November 4, December 3
    • 6-7 pm
    • BRNG 3292